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College Class Check-in System

monitor students’ attendance and make it convenient for teachers to manage the class.
Alfred Liu
Breeze Pu
Tao Ji
UX designer
Class diagram
Sequence diagram
Case figures
Adobe XD
Process on

    The College Class Check-in System (CCCS) is used to monitor students’ attendance in college classes. It uses modern technologies such as GPS and fingerprint authentication to guarantee the accuracy and efficiency. With such system, students who are absent could be traced and the attendance rate could be improved greatly.


The College Class Check-in System can:
• Ensure a high attendance
• Provide utilities for classroom questioning
• Support teaching evaluation
• Support requests for leave

Overall requirements
SE Requirement Analysis UML.png
Detailed design
  • Global Design Class Diagram
  • Sequence diagram of key use cases
Sign in (for students and teachers)

A user can sign in with his username and password. In order to enhance security, fingerprint authentication is also required.

Check In (for student)

A student can check-in when the fingerprints are matched. When the identity is confirmed,
‘Student controller’ will get latest class that student would take. By comparing the class’s
start time with current time, student state is updated and recorded in database.

Start Class (for teachers)

A teacher can start a class which he/she teach in the classroom. ‘Location manager’ will
record the position of the teacher and ‘Time manager’ will provide the start time. A class
record will be added to the database.

Requirements Traceability Matrix

    Requirements traceability matrix is used to assist in determining the completeness of our project. Here are the detailed requirements of our product which we used to track whether or not they are being met by the current process and design.

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